After being approved by the Board in 2017, we commenced work immediately following Auckland Cup Week back in March 2018.
The project has involved the demolition of approx. 70% of the existing stables to make way for the construction of 120+ new tie-up stalls.
The remaining stable space that isn’t being demolished is to be converted into a function space, bar and amenities.
The complex will also house six wash bays, swabbing stalls and vet office, a toilet block, food and beverage kiosk as well as a warm-up ring.
The façade of the original totaliser machine, designed by Sir George Julius in 1913 to keep a record of the total amount bet on each horse, will be restored and added to the new development. This piece was rediscovered oncourse in recent years and will be a focal point of the stables, placed on the centre structure overlooking the warm-up ring.
The original totaliser machine, when it was installed, was the first of its kind in the world – so the restoration of the façade is a lovely nod to that piece of history.
The whole complex is set up in a U-shape facing the interior of the racecourse grounds, with the configuration designed to bring raceday attendees closer to the horses both pre and post-race.
During the planning stages of the development, the project management and design teams visited stabling and tie up areas at major metropolitan Australian tracks, and they also consulted with various industry participants. The outcome of that time spent in reconnaissance is a facility that will be good as anywhere in Australasia.
During site prep we uncovered three old buildings that had effectively been buried & forgotten
We also discovered some old caves!
At the time of writing, the first wing has had its concrete poured and steel framing put up (see image below)