Auckland Thoroughbred Racing (ATR) has today announced that the Club and partner, tripleSdata, are going to provide accurate SMART race timing and tracking data at all Pukekohe Park and Ellerslie race meetings to assist stakeholders to better assess their horse’s performance, commencing with Saturday’s Counties Cup Day meeting.
Whilst sectional timing has been available in New Zealand for some time, ATR’s utilisation of tripleSdata technology will drastically improve the accuracy and timeliness of the data provided to key racing stakeholders.
The investment in the technology is significant and is driven by the Club’s desire to ensure the product and experience offered at ATR race meetings is best in class.
The triplesdata reports will be available on the ATR website (here) for all races on Counties Cup Day, this Saturday 25 November, and will be communicated to all owners and trainers once available for viewing.
tripleSdata are global leaders in the timing and tracking space and are providers for the solution Australia wide and Asia currently. They are based in Sydney, Australia and are the exclusive and global distributor of various Swiss Timing racing products.
ATR Executive General Manager – Racing and Operations, Craig Baker says it’s going to be incredibly valuable to owners, trainers, punters and other stakeholders to have access to such detailed and accurate information.
“Sectional timing plays a critical role in assessing how a horse has performed so it’s great to be able to provide the most accurate data possible in a timely manner.
“As we have seen via other sports, younger generations are hungry for data, so we see this as a strategic investment as we endeavour to drive wagering and consequently greater returns to the industry.”
The tripleSdata reporting will provide the following timing data:
An additional benefit of the tripleSdata partnership will see Ellerslie and Pukekohe Park receive the high tech SMART weather solution towards the end of the 2023/24 season.
SMART Weather provides instant and accurate information to punters, owners, trainers, oncourse customers and ATR Members.
Stakeholders can view via detailed graphics which include the following:
Carlos Santo, founder and CEO of tripleSdata, said, “tripleSdata has been working for a number of years to develop, perfect and deliver world-leading SMART timing, tracking and weather technologies to racecourses for the benefit of punters and industry professionals.”
“Timing, tracking and weather data plays a key role in assessing how horses performed, and how a track is prepared and ultimately races.
“They’re useful components in assisting stakeholders to ensure their horses achieve their maximum racing potential.”
The tripleSdata SMART solutions and reporting techniques have been tested at both Cox Plate Raceday and Melbourne Cup Day at Pukekohe Park and reporting will be available to the public for the first time following the Counties Cup Day races on Saturday, 25 November.
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