Use the links below to view Auckland Thoroughbred Racing policies.
Raceday/Event Terms & Conditions
Please follow the link above to read the Raceday/Event Terms & Conditions. By purchasing tickets or attending a raceday you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms & Conditions.
Website Terms & Conditions
The Auckland Thoroughbred Racing website may contain hyperlinks and other pointers to websites operated by third parties. These linked websites are not under the control of Auckland Thoroughbred Racing Incorporated (ATR) or its related bodies corporate, and ATR and its related bodies corporate are not responsible for the contents of any linked website or any hyperlink contained in a linked website. These hyperlinks are provided to you for convenience only, and the inclusion of any link does not imply any endorsement of the linked website by ATR. You link to any such website entirely at your own risk.
Responsible Service of Alcohol
Please follow the link above to read the Host Responsibility Policy. The management and staff of ATR believe that we have a responsibility to provide an environment that is not only comfortable and welcoming but is also where alcohol is served responsibly.
ATR is committed to operating to high standards of environmental responsibility and establishing itself as an industry leader and advocate for sustainable racing practices in New Zealand. See the link above to view our Environmental Policy.
Please follow the link above to view our Privacy Policy.